Testicular tumour - a review article

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Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ


Painless scrotal masses must be investigated with ultrasound imaging and tumour marker assay before being treated with radical inguinal orchidectomy. For unknown reasons, the incidence of this cancer increased in Caucasian population. The incidence of testicular germ cell tumour has doubled in past 40 years. An annual increase of 3-6% is reported in Caucasian population. But the mortality rate has been stable or decreasing due to improvement in treatment. In the past, metastatic testicular cancer was usually fatal, but recent advances in treatment, including high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue, have considerably improved the prognosis. Indeed, testicular cancer is a bright spot in the oncological landscape and is now considered the model for the treatment of solid tumors. We looked into the epidemiology, presentation, classification, work up, staging, various treatment modalities and prognosis of testicular tumour in this article.

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